All I ever Wanted to be when I grew up, was a Present, Happily Married, Stay At Home Mom…
It was the Year 2000 when I said goodbye to my 9-5 job in the Construction Industry, to come home to raise my first born son. From the time I was 6 Years old, my one Dream and Goal in Life was to become a ‘Present’ Stay at home Mother, but I knew that in order to do that, I would need to find a way to earn a supplemental income from home.
After planning my escape from the 9-5 for the 9 Months I was pregnant, I was blessed enough to find an ‘at-home’ job answering phones for 2 big corporations.
I worked this at-home job for a while, but I was still trading time for money.
My husband and I were living under the same roof, but we were like 2 ships passing through the night. I would hand him the baby so I could lock myself inside of a room to work for 5 hours and then when my shift was over, he would hand me back the baby so he could go work. Not quite the vision I had of being a Present Stay at home, happily married mother.
Once my son was round 8 months old, he started getting more fussy and needing more of my attention and so I tried network marketing, as I heard it was a great way to make a part-time income as it was supposed to be a ‘Home Based Business’ but the way the company was training me, required to do alot of things that #1, kept me OUTSIDE the home like home parties and home meetings in other people's hourses,
...and the higher you got into the compensation plan, the more responsibility was required and Traveling away from the family to go to corporate events, add to that, doing things I hated, as an introvert, like talking to total strangers and hard selling my friends and family…
It just wasn’t the right fit for me.
How Do I Make Money When I'm Not on My Computer so I can be a PRESENT Wife and Mom for My Family?
Then I tried eBay for a while, but their fees kept going up and my business was at their Mercy, as they could close my business down on a whim.
But before I quit eBay, I would successfully take my store from zero to Silver Powerseller in only 3 months… and I was able to do this because I set myself apart from everyone else in my Niche who was selling the same products I was…by Creating a BRAND For My store.
Discovering the Power of Branding.
Other Sellers got wind of my success and they began private messaging me to see if I would Brand their Stores… filling that need would result in the birth of my first Marketing & Design Company.
After a few months of designing stores on eBay, I realized one thing… I had Created myself a job! I was still stuck trading time for money and if I wasn’t working I wasn’t getting paid.
How Can I earn An Income from Home even when I’m NOT On My Computer?
Then I asked myself a question, ‘How can I still Earn an Income, Build a Business from Home, but STILL Make Money even if I’m NOT on my Computer?”
This is when I discovered the POWER of Internet Marketing and ‘Business Models’ and COMBINING Internet marketing with Business Building to Create a Business that also allows me to have a life and BE that Stay At Home Present Mother I always Dreamed of.
So I went on to invest $1997 into a Coaching and Leadership Program that focused on teaching How To Use Video Marketing to generate leads for your business online and following their training I was able to earn my very first $3,000 Sale Online, from a complete and total Stranger!
I finally cracked the code to online success!
(or So I thought)...
Taking My New Skills, I joined a Network Marketing Company
I Was a Star Diamond with a Medal Around My Neck ~ But was Still Broke!
With My Newfound skills, I began to apply the principles I learned to different opportunities online, specifically in Online Network Marketing…
And Since uncovering these online marketing principles, I was able to:
A Funny Thing Happened though…
No matter what I did, I always would go back to teaching people how to build their business online.
Since Network Marketing Success is based on Team Duplication, I always found myself recruiting new people but then having to go back and teach them how to Brand Themselves and setup their blogs and start generating leads…
And so my efforts always brought me BACK to what I knew best and Loved – Which was helping people get their business off the ground, online!
And…because this is my story and it’s important to be completely HONEST and Authentic with you…
I have to Share Something Personal…
I went from a stay at home, married mother… to a PRESENT stay at home, Happily Married Mother. (Big Difference)
Not Sharing this part of my story, would mean leaving a huge chunk out of how I finally discovered my Purpose and finally realized my dream of being a PRESENT, Happily Married, stay at home mother.
Before I found Jesus, I was just a stay at home married mother and that’s why sharing this part is crucial because my mindset and heart changed everything.
It changed how I view success, how I view business, how I view others, how I view my role as a mother and how I view my role as a wife..
See, even though I was trying to be a present stay at home mom, and I was winning awards and contests and walking on stages…all the things the world tells us makes us happy…
Home Life was severely getting out of balance because all I could think of was how to crush my business..
I was putting way more time into building a business than I was in being present for my family and something had to change.
Yes I was home, but if I’m being 100% Honest, many times I would be on my Cell Phone updating social media and not being present and I have one too many family photos of me being on my cellphone and my kids smiling into the camera.
It’s kind of embarrassing…
I felt lost, unfulfilled and even though on the outside everything looked pretty good, inside I was unhappy.
Even though I was married for 19 years, we were not happy.
And then my life changed when I finally accepted my oldest son’s (the baby that I left the workforce to raise!) invitation to go to his church and after months of sitting on the sidelines, I gave my life to Jesus and on December 2015, I became a born-again Christian, and had I known then, what I know now, I would have done it much sooner.
And by a Miracle of God, My husband, had a spiritual encounter that made him surrender his old ways, and he also came to Jesus, in May of 2017.
Now We are Happy AND Fulfilled
The Reason I share this part of my story with you is because personal branding and your business is a reflection of WHO YOU ARE. and Who I am Now, is different the Who I was when I first started my Journey.
God Wants you to be happy and close to him at all times.
And he designed the Family Unit to Be together.
I learned that in order to keep a Balance and to truly be Happy and Fulfilled.. I had to keep my LIFE in the following Order
God, Family, Business and Ministry <<=== in that order.
And although I am still far from perfect and let’s be honest, I will NEVER Be.. I can truthfully say that for the first time in my life I finally feel Joy and I am so grateful for my ability to be able to build a business from home because I can be the Happily Married, Present Mother that I always wanted to be and I can be the Wife to my husband that God wants me to be.
After my Big Life Change, I was now faced with how to approach my business… How do I SERVE Others and use my gifts and talents to do so…
And then after praying, I heard the song RISE by Danny Gokey and it embodied everything that I was Feeling.
After Winning all my awards, and achieving success I took an almost 2 year hiatus. I literally hid into the shadows and just spent my time doing freelance copywriting jobs and although I was making really great money, I was absolutely MISERABLE with the work I was doing.
I was working on projects JUST for the money, and although my spiritual life had changed, I was still struggling to RISE out of the shadows and back into using my Gifts and Talents to help more people work from home.
Promoted to the Leadership Team
As fate would have it, we were unexpectedly hit by Hurricane Irma, which put us in a vulnerable financial position, which forced me to look for alternatives for Digital Marketing Tools AND creating a growing passive income online.
I had been struggling as a web designer after stepping away from both internet and network marketing but I was stuck on that month to month client grind. Then out of the blue, we were hit by Hurricane Irma in 2017 and it shook me by the shoulders and made me realize that I had to push through and break through and make this passive online income dream come true.
Fast forward a few months and I stumbled upon an All in One Digital Marketing Platform that claimed to be the one stop solution for Digital Marketing tools AND it had a pretty Sick (Generous!) Affiliate Program.
I took the trial to test the tools and by Day 3, I was sold, hooked line and sinker.
I started to take MASSIVE ACTION and worked harder than I have in my whole internet marketing career.
Once I signed up, I KNEW that this was the perfect fit for me.
I signed up my first 4 Partners within my first 48 hours from my warm market (people who knew me) and then turned to Youtube, where I already had a video marketing skillset and started making videos like my life depended on it (which it did!) Within my first 16 Months I sponsored over 370 New Partners and As of the date of this writing, I've earned over Six Figures and have sponsored Over 460+ Partners into my organization, 100% Online Using the Power of Videos, Funnels and Email Marketing.
Now My Mission is to pay it forward and help other passion driven Entrepreneurs like myself, who want to crack the code to online success, using systems and funnels to create Time Freedom and automatic income in their business, using their Gifts, Strengths and Talents.
If that sounds like you and you want to learn more about becoming part of our Digital Marketing Team, Team RISE,
Top Affiliate Inside A SAAS Company
I promise you I never set a 'goal' or put it on a vision board to cross over to $100K. I just applied Godly principles to my business and put my head down, Had Faith, Stayed Focused and took Massive Action.
Just like anyone else, I also had challenges along the way, like the sudden loss of my Beautiful Father, who taught me about being humble and having a good work ethic. (Miss You Papi) but through it all, I've leaned on Christ's strength to push through difficult times as the enemy wants to see us fail. Know Your Enemy, put on your armor and you are half way there. My journey continues as I recently also crossed $200K+ in commissions and will be posting the pictures here soon, but what this has done to change my families life is beyond words. Only God could have helped me.
Now I know it may not seem like a lot to others, but to me, starting out as an 18 year old, who left my house and moved into a garage, where I washed my dishes in the bathroom sink, to struggling for years trying to build a business online, I was recently finally able to afford to get my 2 younger kids Braces. That is HUGE Deal. In case you didn't know, Braces are expensive and there was no way we could afford them. But thanks to my online business and aligning with this amazing software company, what may seem like no big deal to someone else, was a life changing thing for our kids.
And without my amazing supportive Team, it just wouldn't have been possible so I'm super grateful for all of them as well. My Team taught me how to get out of my introverted shell, and work on having relationships with people. It's honestly, the only thing we have at the end of the day, the relationship with people you meet teaches you so much about life and makes you a better leader. So with that being said, I just want to share a handful of scriptures that I've held close through my journey and whenever I feel stuck or unsure, I remember these:
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
What it Means to Me: In this world and industry of darkness, or get rich quick, we can be a light of hope to people who want to RISE Up into their purpose and help others.
Matthew 19:26
"But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
What it Means to Me: Don't Look to 'the world' for answers. Always Seek God in Prayer and Thankfulness. He has all the answers and he will direct our steps if we just get out of the way.
Matthew 6:25-34
Do Not Worry
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one [a]cubit to his [b]stature?
“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not [c]arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
What it Means to Me: I know it can be hard, but do not worry. Work Hard, work WITH FAITH and Pursue Success. Gods Way. Add Value, Lead with Your Heart, Be a Servant Leader, Give Useful Value to others 'And all will be added to you'.
Barbie's Online Hours
Mon-Wed: 10AM-4PM EST
Tues, Thurs: 10:30AM - 12PM EST
Friday: 10AM-4PM EST
Sat-Sun: Offline
About Barbie
I Help Aspiring Entrepreneurs Make Money from Home
...with Automated Personal Branded Systems...
Important Links
Matthew 5:14-16: You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
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